Useful links

Current cloud cover

Weather ahead

Note: Most NZ weather originates from systems to the west

Current Sun, Moon & planets

Current night sky chart

Satellites tonight

Note:  Enter "[ nearest town] , New Zealand" in the search box.

Southern Aurora prediction

Maori star names

The Southern Cross

How to tell the time using the Southern Cross.

Royal Astronomical Society of NZ - Education Group

A wide range of astronomy & space science resources.

Royal Astronomical Society of NZ - main site

NZ's primary organisation for the advancement of amateur and professional astronomy. 

Aotearoa Astrotourism Academy

Aotearoa Astrotourism Academy offers educational courses for current or aspiring astro-tourism night-sky guides, or for anyone interested in navigating the dark night sky and learning more about astronomy.

The Academy, AAA, was launched last year by Professor John Hearnshaw, Emeritus Professor of Astronomy at the University of Canterbury, with Nalayini Davies, who is RASNZ President and from the Auckland Astronomical Society, to satisfy an unmet need in the astronomical community. AAA has assembled a small team of dedicated and expert instructors, and the courses offered cover all aspects of night-sky guiding, star-gazing, how to use a small telescope, astrophotography and the best objects to view in the night sky. AAA hopes to impart some of the basic skills and knowledge considered essential for those working in the fast growing astrotourism industry. A talk on Matariki and Maori astronomy is also included.

This intensive course comprises lectures, practical sessions (weather permitting for evening observing), workshops and plenty of interactions between instructors and participants.  Courses are run at various locations throughout the year. Full details are on the AAA website at .   Contact emails: and

Ngā Whetū Resources

Educational resources for astronomy and space science.

Astronomy Resources for Kids

30+ links about space and astronomy

AAA State of Play Blog: Astronomy Resources for Kids


The shop run by astronomers for astronomers - telescopes, binoculars, astrophotography, cameras, and astronomy accessories.

SSA - Students' Space Association

For students passionate about the space industry and their place in its future.



See why New Zealand photographer Mark Gee loves the local night sky.

This page from Wanaka has some great advice for beginners to get the best astrophotography results.

A great selection of links for astrophotography.

Data and astronomy

Find out how data is used to develop our space technology and solve questions about space

The Role of Data Science in Astronomy and Interstellar Exploration (

Practical solutions to light pollution that YOU can implement.

Light pollution - excess light or light pointing upwards severely limits our ability to see the stars. As well as lobbying for better municipal lighting, individuals can make simple changes which will reduce light pollution in their own back yard. 


Want to build your own observatory?

Make the dream a reality by starting with Courtney McNally's article

'How To Build a Home Observatory in your Garden'

Or if a container observatory appeals, check this resource

Many more ideas here . . .